The video recording of the integration converence is available online

The international integration conference 'Communication in a Diverse Society: Understanding Each Other Despite Differences' took place on 12-13 November in Tallinn. Сonference brought together internationally recognised experts from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Spain, the United Kingdom and of course Estonia. The two-day conference featured discussion panels and workshops in which experts, researchers, policy-shapers and participants focused on such a range of topics as cross-cultural communication, media use and shared information space.

See the photo gallery of the conference HERE (photos: Ardo Kaljuvee).

Video recordings of the international integration conference can be watched here:


Opening of the conference – Ministery of Culture Tõnis Lukas and the head of the Integratsion Foundation Irene Käosaar

I Speeches and panel discussion “Media Use, Communicative Practices, Public Discourse, and Their Influence on Integration”. Moderator – Johannes Tralla (ERR)

II Speeches and panel discussion “Adaptation of Newcomers and Building Trust”. Moderator – Liis Paloots (International Organization for Migration)


III Speeches and panel discussion “Communicating with Various Groups in Society in Times of Crisis”. Moderator – Johannes Tralla (ERR)

IV Speeches and panel discussion “Universities as an Example of Communication between People of Different Nationalities“. Moderator – Sille-Kadri Simer (Estonian Youth Council)

V Political debate between Estonian political parties, moderator – Johannes Tralla

Participants: Riina Solman (Isamaa Erakond), Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski (Keskerakond), Kalle Grünthal (Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond), Andres Sutt (Reformierakond), Kirill Klaus (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond) ja Kristina Kallas (Eesti 200).