Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board plans the activities of the Foundation. The Supervisory Board also organises the management of the Foundation and supervises its activities. The Board consists of 9 members who are appointed for three years by the founder.

The founder decides any changes made in the composition of the Governing Board and the dismissal of governing board members. The Executive Board requires the consent of the Governing Board for making transactions that go beyond the framework of the day-to-day economic activity of the Foundation. In order to fulfill its duties, the Governing Board has the right to view all documents of the Foundation and to audit its accounts, to confirm the existence of properties and also to check whether the activity of the Foundation conforms to the law and the statute of the Foundation.

Members of the Supervisory Board (confirmed on 05.07.2024):

Eda Silberg - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Undersecretary for Cultural Diversity of Estonian Ministry of Culture
The mandate is valid from 25.08.2022 to 24.08.2025; the monthly fee of EUR 210 for the Chairman of the Supervisory Board (gross).

Aleksei Jašin - representative of Eesti 200
The mandate is valid from 02.06.2023 to 01.06.2026; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Andrus Tamm - representative of Eesti Keskerakond
The mandate is valid from 02.06.2023 to 01.06.2026; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Birute Klaas-Lang - Professor of Estonian as a foreign language of University of Tartu
The mandate is valid from 30.06.2024 to 29.06.2027; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Georg Männik - representative of Isamaa Erakond
The mandate is valid from 05.01.2023 to 04.01.2026; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Henri Kaselo - representative of Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond
The mandate is valid from 05.01.2023 to 04.01.2026; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Henry Kattago - Deputy Secretary General  (Planning and Administrative Matters) of the Ministry of Education and Research
The mandate is valid from 05.01.2023 to 04.01.2026; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Kalle Viks - State Assets Department of the Ministry of Finance
The mandate is valid from 25.06.2023 to 24.06.2026; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Mari-Liis Jakobson - Associate Professor of Political Sociology of Tallinn University
The mandate is valid from 30.06.2024 to 29.06.2027; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Maris Toomel - representative of Eesti Reformieralond
The mandate is valid from 30.06.2024 to 29.06.2027; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Mart Kallas - representative of Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond
The mandate is valid from 05.07.2024 to 04.07.2027; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).
Tarmo Miilits - Permanent Secretary of Estonian Ministry of Interior
The mandate is valid from 09.03.2022 to 08.03.2025; the monthly fee of the member of the Supervisory Board is 140 euros (gross).


Decree of the Minister of Culture 05.07.2024 nr 113
Decree of the Minister of Culture 26.06.2024 nr 105

Decree of the Minister of Culture 02.06.2023 nr 136
Decree of the Minister of Culture12.01.2023 nr 11
Decree of the Minister of Culture 05.01.2023 nr 3

Decree of the Minister of Culture 25.08.2022 nr 128
Decree of the Minister of Culture 29.07.2022 nr 121
Decree of the Minister of Culture 09.03.2022 nr 45

Decree of the Minister of Culture 22.11.2021 nr 191
Decree of the Minister of Culture 22.11.2021 nr 190
Decree of the Minister of Culture 14.10.2021 nr 162
Decree of the Minister of Culture 30.06.2021 nr 117
Decree of the Minister of Culture 15.03.2021 nr 37

Decree of the Minister of Culture 16.10.2020 nr 151
Decree of the Minister of Culture 18.09.2020 nr 139
Decree of the Minister of Culture 21.05.2020 nr 85
Decree of the Minister of Culture 14.05.2020 nr 83