
The Integration Foundation offers counselling to adults who want to learn Estonian free of charge and helps to choose the most suitable opportunities for language learning.

Counselling is suitable for those who

  • want to start or continue learning Estonian, but need advice on suitable study forms and opportunities;
  • wish to take free Estonian language courses, the prerequisite of which is the prior mapping of a person’s capabilities and needs; 
  • want to learn Estonian independently and need information about opportunities.

Our consultants help to analyse the needs and experiences of each person, specify their real language skills, and prepare a suitable learning plan. As a result of the consultation, the Integration Foundation can offer a spot on a free Estonian language course if it is found to be the most suitable form of study. 

When assembling language study groups, courses are offered first to those who continue their previous studies and then to people who have completed counselling and to other applicants on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.      

In addition, consultants provide guidance and advice on other issues related to adaptation and integration, including relevant services and support.

To register for counselling, please contact us by e-mail or free of charge by phone 800 9999 (when calling from abroad: +372 6599025). We provide councelling at our office and by e-channels (Skype, Zoom, Teams).

  • Counselling session can take up to one hour, depending on topics and questions that need to be discussed.
  • If you cannot come to counselling at the agreed time, please inform us by free hotline 800 9999 (when calling from abroad: +372 6599025) or by e-mail
  • NB! If you have signs of viral disease we kindly ask you not to come for the councelling.

You can also get initial answers about language learning opportunities and information about living in Estonia via our COUNSELLING WEB.