Music and Poetry of Different Nations A1+ (Narva)

30.09.2023 13:00 - 14:00
Narva eesti keele maja (Narva Raekoja saal)
  • Language level required: A1+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Narva Raekoja saal
  • Time: 30.09.2023 kell 13:00 - 14:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Right before International Music Day, at 1 p.m. on 30 September, all music and culture lovers are welcome to the concert ‘Music and Poetry of Different Nations’ taking place in the assembly hall of Narva Town Hall, where violin students of the Music School of the Tallinn Old Town Educational College will perform as the violin ensemble Mosaiik.

With this concert, we want to draw attention to the upcoming Year of Cultural Diversity on the one hand, and celebrate International Music Day on the other. That is why the concert will feature songs from Norway as well as Italy, Ireland as well as Cuba, America as well as Finland, and, of course, from our beloved Estonia. Poetry from different nations will be read by Indrek Sammul, actor of the Estonian Drama Theatre. As is typical of the Integration Foundation, it is also an integration event: the concert will allow families from Narva and Tallinn to meet. Children from Narva and their parents can practise their Estonian and get to know music from different countries, while children from Tallinn can get to know Narva and meet the people living there.

About the ensemble Mosaiik

The violin ensemble Mosaiik has been active for 15 years and has given dozens of concerts in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe. The ensemble is made up of children aged between 6 and 15, who learn the violin using the Suzuki method. Both solo and ensemble pieces will be performed. The head of the ensemble is Karmen Kääramees. The accompanist is Tiiu Jürma.

The event is free for everyone!


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: