Latest news on integration

We share various reading, listening, and viewing recommendations selected by our own employees. We appreciate it in advance if you let us know about your observations so we can share them with others. You can send your suggestions to

Recommendations from the Integration Foundation's employees in December:

"Ants Johanson: What connects us?" Read more (

"Estonia is wherever Estonians and friends of Estonia are" Read more (

"Ukrainian War Refugee: I really love the Estonian language" Read more ((Ukraina sõjapõgenik: ma tõesti armastan eesti keelt | menu | ERR)

"Studies debunk myths about local Estonians and Russians" Read more (Marju Lauristin: uuringud purustavad müüte siinsete eestlaste ja venelaste kohta (

"Terevisioon: Immersion into the lives of Ukrainians" Read more (

"Service Design in Policy Making: A New Approach in Estonian Language Education" Read more (

"European Union support helps shape a common values and information space " Read more" (

"Cultural representatives make Estonia bigger in the world" Read more (

"Marju Lauristin: Breaking societal trust leaves no one unharmed" Read more (

"Integration requires clear rules and ample attention" Read more (

"Important Changes in Our Estonian Language Courses" Read more (