Language camps 2022 for young Estonians living abroad

Youngsters with Estonian roots who live abroad are invited once again to attend language and culture camps in Estonia. 

Designed for young people aged 13-18, the camps are an opportunity for them to study Estonian, get to know local Estonians their own age and learn more about the country’s culture. Among other things, they go sightseeing and on excursions and play sports together. We want young Estonians living abroad to feel a connection to their homeland and to the Estonian language.

There will be three camps offering a total of 66 places in summer 2022:

  • Camp 1 will be held from 4-14 July for youngsters whose Estonian skills are elementary.
  • ​​​​Camp 2 will be held from 18-28 July for youngsters who speak Estonian at an upper-intermediate level.
  • Camp 3 will be held from 1-11 August for youngsters who are fluent in Estonian.


Registration takes place until 15.04.2022. The Integration Foundation will inform the selected applicants by e-mail no later than the beginning of May. Parents/guardians will then be sent contracts, which must be signed and returned to the foundation by 31 May.

Participation in the camp is free for the child. The costs of travelling to Estonia and obtaining health insurance must be covered by the participant’s parent/ guardian. 

Click HERE for detailed information and to register for the camp

The organisation of the camps is financed by the Ministry of Education and Research and Ministry of Culture, travel expenses shall be reimbursed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if needed.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in organising the camps we will be following the guidelines issued by the Estonian government in response to the spread of COVID-19. This may lead to significant restrictions on the organisation of the camps (number of places, excursions, etc.) or even to their cancellation. We will let you know of any changes in the organisation of the camps as soon as it proves necessary to implement them.

For further information please contact:

Kaire Cocker
Head of Compatriots Service
Telephone: +372 659 9031