Information about Estonian language courses

Dear prospective student,

Thank you for registering for the A2, B1 or B2 Estonian course on the Integration Foundation website.

These courses will be starting this autumn as part of the ‘Activities supporting integration in Estonian society’ project of the European Social Fund. The first 540 people will be commencing their studies in September. The free courses are planned to continue at regular intervals, with the first additional groups being put together before the end of the year. For our part we’ll do our best to ensure that everyone who is interested in and has registered for the courses gets the chance to take them.

Since interest has been much higher than anticipated, we are planning to offer places on courses for a further 2000 people (starting from January 2016.) in addition to the groups starting this September. The same number of places will then be offered again in 2017. If needed, even more places will be made available so as to guarantee that everyone who registers on the Integration Foundation website and whose language level is A1 gets the chance to undertake free Estonian studies.

In order for us to be able to start teaching the first groups later this month, we have been working with the training company to draw up the list of the 540 people to be accepted onto the courses. Since there were far more people interested in taking part, we had to allocate places based on the order in which people registered. The training company – an NPO by the name of Atlasnet – will be contacting everyone who has been accepted onto the September courses via the e-mail address or telephone number indicated on the registration forms. We thank everyone in advance who missed out on this first round of courses for their patience.

Those who were not accepted onto the September courses will certainly be informed about future language-learning opportunities, and also alerted straight away if a place on a course that matches their language level and place of residence becomes free.

We have also added extra information to our website for everyone who has applied for the courses. You will find an FAQ that should provide all the answers you need, whether you will shortly be commencing your studies or have to wait a while longer to start. Information has also been provided about other study options. You can find all of this information here. To keep yourself up to date on what is going on in the field of integration, you can also subscribe to our newsletter.

Thank you for your understanding. We hope to be able to provide you with the Estonian language training you need very soon.

Dmitri Burnašev
Director, Integration and Migration Foundation

Information on integration issues is available from
the Counselling Centre of the Integration and Migration Foundation
Telephone: 800 9999