Great Estonian things - song festivals B1+ (Tallinn)

19.05.2023 14:00 - 16:30
Narva mnt 95, Tallinn

We will visit the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds Visitor Centre, get an overview of the song festival tradition, and, if the weather is suitable, sing a song under the arch.

  • Language level required: B1+
  • Time: 19.05 at 14.00-16.30          
  • Location: Tallinn Song Festival Ground (Narva maantee 95, Tallinn)
  • No of participants: 25

Contact person: Krista Tukk

Registration: (05.05 at 12.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: