‘GET TO KNOW TALLINN’ – Tales of the city with Jaak Juske: Toompea

algus ja kogunemine Neitsitorni ees kell 17.00

Historian Jaak Juske’s fun stories help participants learn more about different parts of the capital while giving them the chance to practise their Estonian. 

The excursions explore different nooks and crannies in the city and   utilise simplified Estonian so that the stories are easier for everyone to understand and benefit from. Promoting language-learning, the excursions are both educational and entertaining.   

Min. language level required: B1 

When: 5 October from 17:00-19:30 

Max. no. of participants:  40 

Where: Meeting in front of Neitsitorn 

Contact person: Elo Zobel (elo.zobel@integratsioon.ee)  

Registreerimine: https://forms.gle/7wt3QAKGo6xMdbmF9