MISA to support the language studies of public sector employees with more than 60,000 euros
Invitation to tender for organising language camps for young expat Estonians

A new round of proposals for organising language learning in institutions of higher education about to open
Eighty teachers of vocational schools completed their content and language integrated learning training

MISA recognised the best of the Citizen’s Day Quiz and essay competition

Preparations for fellowships for teachers of vocational education institution are underway
Additional training for counsellors of vocational schools is now completed

MISA to support the language studies of public sector employees with more than 60,000 euros

This year, with the support of the European Social Fund, the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) will arrange Estonian lessons for nearly 200 public sector employees.

In 2013, within the framework of the activity “Language Learning for Public Sector Employees”, which is part of the programme “Language Learning Development 2011−2013”, ten courses will be held for public institution employees whose first language is other than Estonian.

“The aim of the courses is to improve the professional performance of public sector workers, whose first language is not Estonian. The courses will be held according to the best proposal submitted to the public proposal round, providing language studies that take into account the needs and particulars of various institutions,” Eduard Odinets, Head of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA explained.

The employees of the Ulei Youth Centre of Sillamäe will be the first to start honing their offical language skills, followed by the employees of the Narva City Development and Economics Office and Narva Central Library, the teachers of Narva kindergartens Tareke, Kirsike and the service staff of Kuldkalake. Additionally, Estonian courses will be held for the staff of kindergartens Helesinised Purjed, Rukkilill, Päikseke, Pääsupesa and Jaaniussike in Sillamäe and to the teachers of the Ümera kindergarten in Tallinn, the teachers of the kindergarten Kirsike in Narva and the teaching directors of Narva kindergartens. All in all 194 people will be enhancing their language skills.

For additional information, please contact: Jana Tondi, Co-ordinator of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA, phone 659 9069, e-mail jana.tondi@meis.ee

Invitation to tender for organising language camps for young expat Estonians

The Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) has announced an invitation to tender for the service “Organising language camps in 2013 for young Estonians living abroad”.

We invite the camp organisers to take part in the tender aiming to commission the service of organising a language camp for young Estonians living abroad from 26 June to 6 July, 9-20 July and 30 July to 10 August 2013.

A contract for services will be signed with the winner of the tender in the first quarter of 2013.

The aim of the tender is to organise a language camp that enables young expat Estonians to receive organised and purposeful language instruction, interact with their expat Estonian contemporaries in the camp environment, take part in age-appropriate common activities, participate in the sports and amateur activities, get to know Estonia and its culture, and take part in excursions.

The camp participants are young people of Estonian origin – young people aged 13-18 who have ethnic Estonian roots and are living outside the territory of the Republic of Estonia. Finding participants for the camps will take place according to the list presented by MISA. Additionally, participants of the camp activities will include young support persons who speak Estonian as their first language and who will support the language studies of the youth of Estonian origin. Finding, training and enlisting these support persons is the task of the proposal presenter.

There are 90 youths in total participating in three turns of the language camps – 30 youths per turn, at least 22 of whom are Estonians living abroad.    

Information on the tender and detailed terms and conditions can be found at the foundation’s website.

The deadline for the tender is 19 February.

For additional information, please contact: Kaie Kullik, Co-ordinator of the Multicultural Education Unit at MISA, phone 659 9025, e-mail kaie.kullik@meis.ee

A new round of proposals for organising language learning in institutions of higher education about to open

The Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) will shortly announce the third round of proposals for organising Estonian language lessons in institutions of higher education.

Within the framework of the programme “Language Learning Development 2011−2013” funded by the European Social Fund, additional Estonian language classes will be provided to students who have completed their secondary education, are studying in Estonian institutions of higher education and wish to acquire Estonian skills necessary for academic studies at a higher education level and specialised Estonian language.

“In 2011 and 2012, additional Estonian language studies were completed by 287 students from 11 different institutions of higher education. There are 131 more students from seven institutions of higher education perfecting their language skills, and there are agreements for organising studies for 103 students of the University of Tartu Narva College, the Tallinn University of Technology (TTÜ) Virumaa College, and the Pedagogical Seminary of the University of Tallinn,” Eduard Odinets, Head of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA explained.

Presently, there are lessons being conducted at the Narva Study Group of the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences Mainor, Euroacademy, the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, the Virumaa College of TTÜ, Estonian University of Life Sciences, University of Tartu Narva College and the Tartu Art College.

Nearly 32,000 euros are allocated for organising the language courses within the framework of the round of proposals held in the winter of 2013. Over the course of three years, MISA will provide nearly 160,000 euros for Estonian language studies in institutions of higher education.

For additional information, please contact: Jana Tondi, Co-ordinator of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA, phone 659 9069, e-mail jana.tondi@meis.ee

Eighty teachers of vocational schools completed their content and language integrated learning training

An additional training programme of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) for teachers of vocational schools, totalling 130 lessons, finished last December, in the course of which teachers improved their skills in using CLIL methods in their everyday work.

Commissioned by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) and organised by the foundation Development Centre for A Unique School, 80 teachers received additional training. The teachers also completed their practical observation in schools in Tartu, Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve, which they use CLIL methods in their everyday teaching.

“As a result of the training, the teachers will now know how to use CLIL methods in their everyday work and how to compile and adapt the required teaching materials. The scale of subjects covered is extensive and also covered the basics of CLIL learning and practical examples, the development of teachers and students as well as shaping the teaching environment and other subjects,” Eduard Odinets, Head of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA commented.

According to Odinets, the feedback of the participants indicates that new knowledge is essential in working with students of vocational schools, and the teachers considered visiting lessons where CLIL methods were used especially valuable, as it gave them confidence to use the method in their work.

“The expectation was that the training would provide new knowledge on integrated content and language learning; however, the training turned out to be immensely more useful than initially hoped. The training transformed my attitudes and understanding of the role of a teacher,” Sille Lillestik, a teacher of the Tartu Vocational Education Centre commented.

The training was funded by the European Structural Fund through the programme Language Learning Development 2011-2013, which is part of the measure Language Development under the priority axis Lifelong Learning, of the Implementation scheme of the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development.

For additional information, please contact: Maria Ratassepp, Co-ordinator of the Lifelong Learning Unit at MISA e-mail maria.ratassepp@meis.ee, phone 659 9068

MISA recognised the best of the Citizen’s Day Quiz and essay competition

On 24 January, the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) recognised students who showed good results at the Citizen’s Day e-Quiz and essay competition.

The students were recognised at the reception given by the Estonian Olympic Committee at the Audentes Secondary School of Sports, followed by a formal concert and award ceremony at the House of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads.

The best result was achieved by Karl Kius Saar, a 10th form student from Tallinna Reaalkool (Tallinn Secondary School of Science) and Kaur Aarne Saar, a 12th form student from Hugo Treffner School. Students of Ülenurme Secondary School, Commercial School of Tartu, Saku Secondary School, Tallinn Rahumäe Secondary School and Lasnamäe School of Mechanics of Tallinn also showed good results. More than 5,200 people took part in the Citizen’s Day e-Quiz and for the first time, the e-quiz, which was previously available only to school students, was also open to all other enthusiasts.

The essay competition held for the second time focused on the ties between sports and citizens’ awareness. The winner of the essay competition “How do sports advance the awareness of being an Estonian citizen?” for forms 7 to 9 was Nika Karabelskaja, a 9th form student of the Tallinn Central Russian Secondary School. Marina Vinkel, an 11th form student from Rakvere Private Secondary School won in the category of forms 10-12 of general education schools.

In the category of forms 7-9, second place went to Gert Müür and Liis Viljamäe, 9th form students of Saku Secondary School. Third place was also won by a student of the 9th form of Saku Secondary School - Taavi Ustal. In the upper secondary school category, second place was awarded to Fred Anton and Kadi-Liis Laaspere, 12th form students of Saku Secondary School. Saku Secondary School also won third place in this category - it was awarded to 12th form student Stina Kaldma.

In addition, MISA recognised seven teachers for their active supervision.

The Citizen’s Day e-Quiz is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the Estonian Integration Strategy 2008-2013.

For additional information, please contact: Toivo Sikk, Co-ordinator of the Multicultural Education Unit of MISA, phone: 659 980, e-mail: toivo.sikk@meis.ee

Preparations for fellowships for teachers of vocational education institution are underway

This year, the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) will continue providing fellowships for teachers of vocational education institutions in order to enable the teachers to develop their professional and linguistic skills in Estonian schools.

“Fellowships as a form of additional training are organised for teachers from vocational schools, where Russian is the language of study, in vocational education institutions with Estonian as the language of study and for teachers of Estonian vocational schools in vocational schools where the language of study is Russian. The teachers can enhance their skills at a school with a different language of study for 12 or 24 days and they are supported in this process both before and after the training by a special support person,” Eduard Odinets, Head of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA commented.

Teachers, who have so far not indicated their wish to participate continue to be eligible for the fellowships, and both schools and pedagogues can let us know of their interest,” Odinets assured and added that there is a positive trend of Estonian-speaking vocational education institutions showing interest in the fellowship programme.

Supported by the European Social Fund and co-ordinated by MISA, 45 teachers have been able to obtain a fellowship since 2009.

Most of the participants of the programme, which began in October, will begin their fellowships in the first half of this year.

The fellowships are also arranged within the programme “Language Learning Development 2007−2010” for these teachers who have not participated in the programme before.

Teachers and schools interested in becoming a receiving or sending school should contact Maria Ratassepp, Co-ordinator of the Lifelong Learning Unit at MISA by e-mailing maria.ratassepp@meis.ee or by phoning 659 9068.

The fellowships for vocational school teachers are arranged within the programme “Language Learning Development 2011-2013” funded by the European Social Fund.

For additional information, please contact: Maria Ratassepp, Co-ordinator of the Lifelong Learning Unit at MISA e-mail maria.ratassepp@meis.ee, phone 659 9068.

Additional training for counsellors of vocational schools is now completed

Last December, the six-month additional training programme on multiculturalism for teachers' counsellors of vocational educational institutions commissioned by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) was completed.

Nine counsellors took part in the training, gaining knowledge on various subjects characteristic of the multicultural teaching system. The training covered cultural differences, various ways of implementing language studies, the principles of counselling teachers, the characteristics of the composition of multicultural teaching, etc. Also, the programme focused on how to ease the psychological pressures arising from differences in culture, religion, values, etc.

“The training broadened my understanding of the role of a counsellor and the practical training provided a great opportunity to implement the knowledge I had acquired in a practical counselling situation,” Jelena Ohakas, who took part in the training, commented. “The seminar on the Finnish counselling system as well as counselling cases and simulations was also useful – it encouraged me to continue my work as a counsellor."

The programme constituted continued training and as a result, the counsellors will advise the heads of vocational educational institutions on developing multicultural learning systems. The training was commissioned by MISA and organised by BDA Consulting. The volume of the training was 120 lessons and included an additional two-day seminar on the counselling experiences and role of counsellors in Finland.

In 2010, the counsellors completed an initial training programme aimed at preparing the counsellors for advising heads of vocational educational institutions and domain leaders.

“Switching to actually teaching in Estonian in vocational educational institutions takes time and effort, and it requires school heads to be informed about managing the situation and ready for changes. In addition to a more general training in the field and preparation in multiculturalism, the counsellors are also familiar with the characteristics of vocational educational institutions,” Eduard Odinets, Head of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA explained.

The additional training programme was funded by the European Structural Fund through the programme Language Learning Development 2011-2013, which is part of the measure Language Development under the priority axis Lifelong Learning, of the Implementation scheme of the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development.

For additional information, please contact: Maria Ratassepp, Co-ordinator of the Lifelong Learning Unit at MISA e-mail maria.ratassepp@meis.ee, phone 659 9068.