The Estonian Language House offers special courses for honing language skills

In addition to the usual language lessons, the Estonian Language Houses in Narva and Tallinn will offer the opportunity to improve your knowledge in several special courses both in contact learning and online this academic year. Participants from all across Estonia are welcome to the courses taking place in the online environment.

Pronunciation course, B1−C1 (online) / all places are booked

The pronunciation course is aimed at language learners who want to hone their Estonian pronunciation skills. Prerequisite for participation is the readiness to practice independently in addition to the course. The course consists of 10 group meetings and individual consultations. We will practice all the phones of the Estonian language and hone your pronunciation skills through exercises, poems, songs, and non-literary texts.

  • Time: from 20 January to 24 March. The course consists of ten group meetings (Tuesdays from 1 p.m. to 2.15 p.m.) and individual consultations (Tuesdays and Thursdays at individually agreed times).
  • The course takes place on ZOOM.
  • Teachers: Pille Maffucci (, Monika Sooneste (
  • Time: from 24 March to 26 May. The course consists of group meetings (Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 2.15 p.m.) and individual consultations (Tuesdays and Thursdays at individually agreed times).
  • The course takes place on ZOOM.
  • Teachers: Pille Maffucci, Monika Sooneste
  • Contact our advisers to register: write or call free hotline 8009999


Playful grammar for beginners, A1-A2 (in Narva)

Description: In the playful grammar course, we do not open the textbook, fill in the gaps in any exercises, or sit in one place for long. The aim of this course is to cover a variety of grammar topics through playful activities. Those interested in the Estonian language at the A1–A2 level who want to learn the language by playing and communicating are welcome to attend the course.

  • Time: on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m., 14 February – 23 May (15 contact meetings)
  • Place: Estonian language house in Narva (Linda 2, Narva)
  • Teacher: Marta Dolgošev
  • Contact our advisers to register: write or call free hotline 8009999.

‘Writing together’, a short course for developing writing skills for levels B1–C1 (in Tallinn) / all places are booked

‘Writing together’ is a course for those Estonian language learners who want to do different writing tasks and practise and develop their writing skills. In addition to the lessons, you can meet several Estonian writers as part of the course. We meet twice a week either in the Estonian Language House in Tallinn or in another exciting place related to literature in Tallinn, we write something ourselves, or we listen to how writers work. We get to know the Estonian language through the rich Estonian literature.
Within the writing course, a series of events called ‘Meeting with the writer’ takes place twice a month, for which public registration is also available, and more information about each event can be found in the calendar of events of Estonian Language House in Tallinn.

Condition for completing the course: In case of 70% participation, we will issue a certificate

  • Duration of the course: 15 February – 26 May (60 academic hours)
  • The course takes place: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5.30–7.30 p.m. in the Estonian Language House in Tallinn (Rävala pst 5), room OJA
  • Teacher Krista Tukk, project manager of cultural meetings Mari Sieberk
  • Contact our advisers to register: write or call free hotline 8009999.

Journeys through Estonia, B1+ (online) / all places are booked

Have you been to Emumägi or Lustivere, Tondisaar, or Mõnuvere? Maybe you live there? The course ‘Journeys through Estonia’ is intended for language learners who want to discover Estonia. We will find and explore interesting places together. We will search for information and share it with our peers. We will travel to different places in Estonia via the Internet, talk, and share experiences. If you love travelling, this course is perfect for you!

  • The course takes place on ZOOM.
  • Time: 15 February – 24 May, on Tuesdays from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
  • Teacher: Airi Broberg
  • Contact our advisers to register: write or call free hotline 8009999.


‘Come and listen!’, a short course for developing listening skills for level A2 (in Tallinn)

‘Come and listen!’ is a course for those Estonian language learners who want to practise and develop their understanding of Estonian by developing listening skills. During the course, we will listen to Estonian songs, watch Estonian media clips and series, listen to radio and TV shows, and perform various tasks and interactions inspired by them.
We meet twice a week in the Estonian Language House in Tallinn and sometimes visit exciting places in other parts of the city (e.g. TV or radio studios). We learn to listen to the Estonian language and thus understand each other better. The listening course ends with an early summer day trip to the island of Aegna, for which public registration is also available – please visit our calendar of events.

Condition for completing the course: In case of 70% participation, we will issue a certificate

  • Duration of the course: 21 February – 1 June (60 academic hours)
  • The course takes place: Mondays and Wednesdays at 9.30–11.00 a.m. in the Estonian Language House in Tallinn (Rävala pst 5), room Tiik
  • Teacher Margit Raias
  • Contact our advisers to register: write or call free hotline 8009999.


Online debating course, B2+ (online + outing)

The aim of the course is to develop verbal discussion and argumentation skills. We need those skills every step of the way: to understand our conversation partner’s reasoning, as well as to be able to respond in a logical and reasoned manner. Better debating skills undoubtedly also help us make better deals and, last but not least, write more logical texts.

The short course will be organised in cooperation with the Estonian Debating Society.

  • Time: from 14 March to 23 May twice a month on Mondays from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. (six meetings in total).
  • The course takes place on ZOOM. The course will also involve one face-to-face meeting – going on an outing together.
  • Teachers: Pille Maffucci, Monika Sooneste
  • Contact our advisers to register: write or call free hotline 8009999


Intensive short course ‘Joy of communication’ for level A2 (online) / all places are booked

This is an Estonian language communication course for beginner Estonian language learners who wish to develop the courage to communicate. The main emphasis of the course is on conversation and the maximum development of self-expression, as well as on spontaneous expression skills. The course does not include written assignments or homework. The course is short and exciting. As the aim of the course is to offer intensive communication practice over a short period of time, no certificate will be issued at the end of the course.

  • Duration of the course: 6 April – 17 June. The volume of the course is 42 academic hours.
  • The course takes place on Wednesdays and Fridays from 17.00-18.30 on ZOOM. 
  • Teacher: Mari Taalmann 
  • Contact our advisers to register: write or call free hotline 8009999.