A series of seminars introducing e-Estonia has been launched in cooperation with Nordea

Nordea seminaridIn cooperation with the Integration Foundation, volunteers from among Nordea Group’s financial specialists are hosting a series of seminars – ‘E-Estonia, e-services, and preventing financial fraud’ – to support war refugees, thereby aiding them in adapting in Estonia and helping to recognise possible financial fraud.

The next seminar will take place on 13 December in the premises of the Integration Foundation’s Estonian language house in Tallinn.
The seminars were developed within Nordea Group’s initiative ‘Community engagement programme for supporting refugees’. The Integration Foundation has made a substantive contribution to understanding the needs of new immigrants within the framework of this project and given communication assistance to reach the target group.

The first events took place on 21 October in the Integration Foundation’s Estonian language house in Tallinn on 16 November online. We received confirmation of the necessity of this initiative based on the participants’ feedback.