Newsletter: January 2024



Avame üheskoos kultuuririkkuse aasta

Let us open the Cultural Diversity Year together

In 2024, we will be celebrating the cultural diversity of Estonia as the thematic year – the cultural diversity of Estonian communities and peoples. The Cultural Diversity Year, which follows the Be Active Year, begins with free events in all counties, culminating in handing over the thematic year title on 13 January 2024.



Palju õnne, lõimumispreemia laureaadid!

Congratulations, integration award winners!

As a result of an open competition, Maria Sakarias, leader of the Mondo Ukrainian Academy, won in the Bridgebuilder of the Year category; the editorial staff of Raadio 4 won in the Messenger of the Year category; Kirill Badikin, the leader of the largest Ukrainian refugee community in Estonia, won in the Spark of the Year category, while media expert Pavel Ivanov won in the Building Blocks of Integration category.



Kui Eestist saab kodu

When Estonia becomes home

As with many other Ukrainians, Estonia became a new home for Olena Stoliarova as well. Olena also took part in the adaptation programme to adapt to the everyday life.



Lõimumise meediapilk

Integration in the media

Our staff share recommendations on which currently released news are worth reading, listening to, or watching carefully.



Uued kaasmaalased hindavad kohanemisprogrammi kõrgelt

The adaptation programme is highly appreciated by the new compatriots

Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, a report was compiled to evaluate the adaptation programme and network for people who have recently come to live in Estonia. The results confirm that the awareness of the support offered by the state is very good, but it can be further developed.



Eestlased üle ilma

Estonians around the world

Nearly every fifth Estonian lives abroad – about 200,000 people in total. The Estonian diaspora abroad is an important part of our culture, introducing and sustaining Estonian culture in different parts of the world. Just as they maintain our cultural diversity over there, we must support them, too.