MAY 2012

Training for Content and Language Integrated Learning about to start
Sillamäe public sector workers made learning Estonian fun
Career counselling courses for working adults with insufficient Estonian language proficiency
The exercise portal TRIMM was translated into Russian

Training for Content and Language Integrated Learning about to start

In June, the ABC training of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) will start in Tallinn and Narva. The target group pf the training are the teachers from Russian language or Estonian and Russian language schools, who teach or will start to teach subjects in another language.

The CLIL ABC training is the basic training for the content and language integrated learning method. The training focuses primarily on the specifics of learning and teaching in another language; the nature of CLIL; teacher competences; the topic of creating a learning environment, and group processes. Information is also provided on class targeting (subject, language and learning skills); the development of learning skills; the 4C model of CLIL and its cultural component; formative evaluation and advisory services.

The training volume is 39 hours (4 training days, with additional independent work). Trainings will take place in Tallinn and in Narva in three sessions from June to September.

The implementation of the training is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research. The training is being organized by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People.

The training will be conducted in Estonian and the training providers are Anne Kloren, Anu Parts, Urve Aja and Ene Kurme.
For additional information, please contact: Maarja Mänd, Coordinator in the MISA Multicultural Education Unit, phone 659 9853, e-mail

Sillamäe public sector workers made learning Estonian fun

Twelve library employees completed language courses at the Sillamäe Central Library, which has successfully participated for two successive years in the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People proposal round for organising language instruction for public sector workers.

We asked Elviira Sidorova, the director of the Sillamäe Central Library, what impression was left by the employees that completed the course.

Learning Estonian is not boring

Elviira Sidorova confirms that learning Estonian is not boring, although it might sometimes seem so to working people. Within the framework of language instruction for employees of public sector institutions of the Language Learning Development 2007-2010 and Language Learning Development 2011-2013 programmes funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), the employees of Sillamäe Library have studied the language for several years in a combined way, which means that one-day themed collective study trips to the language environment have been skilfully integrated into traditional or auditory language instruction.

Within the framework of the study trips, other cultural institutions working in the same field of activity were visited, which included one week of practical language training in a library where the working language is Estonian. For instance, the Sillamäe librarians practice their language skills in Raplamaa and Rakvere.

“On the study trips, we communicated on the “same wavelength” with our colleagues from other Estonian libraries. We deal with similar topics and work problems, so we understood each other splendidly wherever we went, and we rode around a lot,” Elviira says excitedly. “We were received everywhere very cordially, with respect and understanding. We were cared for maybe even too much and we were always listened to with great patience. No one hurried us or rushed to correct our linguistic mistakes,” she added and explains that their colleagues at the Estonian language libraries did everything they could to show them all the sights in the city, county and the environs.

What you learn must be applied

According to Elviira, the language instruction that ended in April and had started in November of last year was another step on a path that does not seem to be ending. “After the course, everyone can go and take the language exam and get a certificate of language proficiency, but the knowledge that has been acquired with such great efforts must not be abandoned. What has been learned must be applied,” Elviira thinks. In Sillamäe, you must make an effort to make use of Estonian in your everyday life, but she is convinced that if you want to and search for opportunities you will find them.

For this reason, it was decided to invite people from other Sillamäe cultural institutions, which are also studying Estonian within the framework of the ESF programme, to attend the event marking the end of the language studies. In addition to librarians from the Sillamäe Central Library, employees from the Sillamäe Music School and the Sillamäe Youth and Hobby Centre Ulei also attended the final event, where a joint quiz with mixed teams was organised to examine language proficiency, logical thinking and knowledge about Sillamäe. “Completing the language studies by organising a quiz turned out to be fun and memorable for all the participants,” Elviira said in summary, adding that learning at any age is interesting.

For more information about the project, please contact Jana Tondi, Coordinator in the MISA Lifelong Education Unit, phone 659 9069, e-mail

Career counselling courses for working adults with insufficient Estonian language proficiency

The month of May saw the end of the career counselling courses that started in February, which were organized for almost 130 working adults with low levels of education and insufficient Estonian language proficiency.

In order to carry out the career counselling courses, the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) also organized 13 methodical in-service training sessions for career advisers to improve the advisers’ skills and knowledge in their work with working adults with low levels of education and insufficient Estonian language proficiency. The career advisers included career information specialists from the Unemployment Fund, career coordinators from information and advisory centres in East-Viru and Harju counties and career specialists from nonprofit organizations.

“The career counselling courses organized for working adults were successful and there was great interest in them. Almost 130 working adults aged 27 and older participated in the course, who do not possess a higher level of education than basic education, general education or vocational secondary education, and who have insufficient Estonian language proficiency,” explained Eduard Odinets, Head of the MISA Lifelong Education Unit.

During the 34 academic hours, the course participants focused on self-analysis, the opportunities for lifelong learning, employers’ expectations, career planning and many other skills. The courses took place in Tallinn, Narva, Jõhvi, Sillamäe and Kohtla-Järve.

“Based on the feedback, we can see that the participants in the course believe that what they learned helped them shape their working life so that the motivation and joy of working will endure. During the course, great emphasis was placed on social skills and support for one’s development. Hopefully, the employers of the participants will also notice the new quality they have achieved,” Odinets commented.

Odinets also said that most of the feedback indicated that there should be more courses of this kind and they should last longer.

Support for the project was provided from the “The development of learner-based and innovative vocational education and expanding the opportunities for lifelong education” measure of the Lifelong Education priority direction of the Implementation Plan for the Development of Human Resources financed by the European Social Fund.

For additional information, please contact: Riina Ring, Coordinator in the Lifelong Education Unit, phone 659 9030, e-mail

The exercise portal TRIMM was translated into Russian

Since the spring, the exercise portal TRIMM ( has been available in Russian. The portal, which was created by the Sports for All Association and the Estonian Olympic Committee in 2006, includes tests and forms to help people assess their physical condition.

Those who are interested can get tips on healthy eating and stretching exercises, as well as descriptions of various sports. The sections called Sports for Children and Youth and Sports for Seniors have gained popularity.

Information about other amateur sports events throughout Estonia has been collected and is available at

In addition, all amateur athletes and exercise fans can register free as users of the training diary. They can also participate in a game with the chance to win one of four cruises to Finland for five people.

The translation of the TRIMM portal into Russia was carried out with support from the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People project competition titled “Common media field and equal treatment.” The project was financed within the framework of the Ministry of Culture’s Estonian Integration Plan 2008-2013 and the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals.

For additional information, please contact: Peeter Lusmägi, Secretary General of the Sports for All Association, e-mail
For additional information about the “Common media field and equal treatment”, please contact: Mari Valgepea, MISA Coordinator in the Civic Education and Migration Unit, phone 659 9034, e-mail