MARCH 2011


                    - Language immersion programme training for management
The project competition “Estonian language learning in a youth summer camp” awaits applicants
The aim of the competition is to develop the skills, knowledge, proficiency, values and attitudes of 7-18 year olds who live in Estonia and do not speak Estonian as their home language, so they may be able to use Estonian and manage in the Estonian language environment.
Within the framework of the competition, organising Estonian language programmes at youth summer camps is supported. The managers of youth camps and projects who have been issued an appropriate licence in accordance with the Youth Work Act are eligible apply for the grant.
The application submission due date is 16 March at 16:00. The documents and materials required for applying are available on the MISA webpage
The competition is funded from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture.
For further information, please contact: Lianne Ristikivi, Coordinator, Culture and Youth Work Unit, telephone 659 9028, E-mail
Competition opened for integration development grants and media acknowledgement
At the end of February, the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People together with the Ministry of Culture announced a competition for the 2010 integration development and media grants. The applications are expected to be submitted before 14 March. The eligibility criteria for applying and application forms are available on the Foundation’s homepage.
Development grants are awarded in four categories:
·         Activities that value the Estonian language as the common official language
·         Activities that support a cultural dialogue and cooperation between citizens’ associations
·         Making people aware that Estonia is culturally varied
·         Joint activities supporting integration that are organised by or for young people.
In addition, two media acknowledgements will be given to a journalist, media channel or publication for covering the topic of inter-cultural and mutual understanding and for valuing tolerance in the media. One grant will be given for Estonian language media coverage and the other for Russian language media coverage.
The development grant fund is 4,000 euro, and the media acknowledgement fund is 1,100 euro.
For further information, please contact: Tea Tammistu, Coordinator, Civic Education and Migration Unit, telephone 659 9062, E-mail:
Content and language integrated learning month (CLIL month) to begin
A nationwide CLIL month entitled “Content and language integrated learning as a method of enriching school culture” will be organised from 10 March to 20 April.
The CLIL month is organised by the Language Immersion Unit of the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) in cooperation with the CLIL network and other partners, including many schools and kindergartens.
We call upon all county governments, local governments and educational institutions in March and April to introduce their experience in content and language integrated learning, i.e. all of you have the opportunity to contribute to the success of the CLIL month and introduce the experience you gained in using this diverse method. If you wish to enrich the CLIL month with your own events, please register your event on the MISA home page not later than 20 March.
During the month, special days for open doors, exhibitions, seminars and training will be organised. All events on a county or local government level and at educational institutions are welcome. In addition to the familiar Estonian language, the target language may also be German, English, French, Finnish, Japanese, the Võru dialect of Estonian or any other language.
All information on the registered events of the CLIL month will be brought together and published on the MISA home page in the CLIL month events table.
The CLIL month consists of three parts: CLIL month, CLIL week and CLIL day.
For the second year running, the focus will be on CLIL through similar events. Last spring, MISA organised a CLIL week during which more than 70 events were arranged with partners.
For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Language Immersion Unit, telephone 659 9847, e-mail
Language Immersion Programme trainings calendar for 2011 completed
The training calendar includes the introduction of training activities developed in cooperation with the Language Immersion Unit of the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) and the Ministry of Education and Research.
The calendar includes a series of trainings during the CLIL month that are intended for directors, deputy heads and teacher trainers in language immersion schools and other schools interested in learning in a second language; information on the summer school for teachers from Harju County and Tallinn; and introductions of trainings for five study programmes on language immersion and the CLIL method as well as a schedule.
In 2011, the quality in the language immersion programme is continuingly being emphasised. This primarily means the application of new study programmes with a view to supporting schools in teachers’ self-development in the context of the language immersion programme learning activities.
Values of language immersion programme trainings:
·         to learn new work methods and test them;
·         to develop confidence in selecting objectives and activities for a lesson or a longer period;
·         to get acquainted with learning materials and possibilities for their further development and application;
·         to enliven and revise material learned earlier and experience gained in applying this material;
·         to communicate with colleagues from other schools who belong to the language immersion network;
·         to understand the importance of feedback and self-analysis in providing quality.
Language immersion programme training for management
During the CLIL month, the Language Immersion Unit of MISA with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research will organise the following trainings:
4−5 April         For school directors. Speakers Irene Käosaar, Maie Soll, trainer David Marsh.
6 April            For deputy heads, methodologists, trainers, advisers, etc. educational workers on the CLIL day. Introduction will be made by Irene Käosaar from the Ministry of Education and Research and Katri Raik, the director of the University of Tartu Narva College, coordinators of the language immersion programme, trainer David Marsh .
7−8 April        CLIL and language immersion programme trainers and key persons of the programme who are also ready to represent their school by exchanging success stories and experience at future seminars / trainings. Trainers Oliver Meyer and Anu Virovere.
The trainings will be conducted at the Conference Centre of Hotel Olümpia at 33 Liivalaia Street. Anyone interested can register for the trainings via the MISA webpage. The number of places is limited.
For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Language Immersion Unit, telephone 659 9847, e-mail
Study programmes and trainings of language immersion programme
Language immersion ABC
Target group: school directors, deputy heads, coordinators of language immersion and teachers who are about to start their work for the language immersion programme or who have not yet participated in any language immersion training.
Hours of training: 28 contact hours.
Seven days of cooperative immersion
Basic training of the language immersion programme method for groups in Tallinn and Narva.
Target group: teachers working in language immersion classes who wish to experience cooperation with teachers who teach different subjects at different stages of study.
Hours of training: 49 contact hours.
A teacher’s three hats: subject, language and learning skills
Target group: subject teachers who work in language immersion classes and wish to get support as a trainer of learning and language skills.
Hours of training: 28 contact hours.
Faster, higher, further – drama as an active learning method
Target group: teachers who work in language immersion classes and wish to make learning more varied.
Hours of training: 28 contact hours.
Supportive direct feedback, 5 minutes observation method
Target group: managers of educational institutions, deputy heads, programme coordinators, advisers, trainers, education officials, etc. Hours of training: 24 contact hours, 16 hours of independent work.
The trainings are introduced on the language immersion programme homepage
For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Language Immersion Unit, telephone 659 9847, e-mail
Äripäev announces the “Multicultural company and working environment” competition. Questionnaires can be completed and submitted by 14 March 2011.

For the third time, the “Multicultural company and working environment” competition will be conducted this year in cooperation between Äripäev, the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals, the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People, and the Ministry of Culture.

All Estonian companies where people of more than two nationalities work can take part in the competition. Rather than focusing on the number of different nationalities working together in one organisation, the evaluation principles are more concerned with the multicultural atmosphere at companies.
“This year, we announce the competition in two categories. One category is for companies and the other is for public sector institutions such as theatres, universities and ministries. This change was made because of the evaluation practice of previous years which showed how complicated it is to compare business companies and public sector organisations,“ commented Meelis Mandel, the chief editor of Äripäev. “We have also changed the method of selecting the winner – we will invite the three best of both categories to a spring seminar to make a short presentation on the meaning and nature of the multicultural environment in their organisation. Based on the presentations, we will determine the most multicultural company and public sector organisation,” added Mandel.
In an exemplary multicultural organisation, different attitudes, beliefs and customs of various cultures coexist in harmony. Moreover, such an organisation knows how to benefit from this multicultural environment. As a result of the competition, the companies that value and support a multicultural working environment and create equal opportunities for all employees regardless of their nationality will be acknowledged.
“This is an extremely big opportunity. The people who work for a company influence what the company can do. It is a certain limitation if people are of the same nationality or come from the same place and it is likely that such a company would not operate outside this region or would find it considerably harder,” remarked Sten Tamkivi, the manager of Skype Technologies, the winner of 2009 competition, on the advantages of a multicultural environment.
Estanc AS, a producer of containers, was the second place winner of the previous competition and the University of Tartu earned third place. A company’s manager or personnel manager and employees, depending on the size of the company, will have to complete the questionnaires made available at The completed questionnaires may be submitted by 14 March 2011. The ranking of winners will be published in the 25 April issue of “Management”, Äripäev’s monthly.
For further information, please contact: Rivo Sarapik, Head of Äripäev Section Editorial Office, telephone 667 0181, e-mail:
Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutuse Meie Inimesed nõukogu kuulutas välja avaliku konkursi SIHTASUTUSE JUHATUSE LIIKME kohale
Juhatuse liige vastutab Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutusele Meie Inimesed pandud ülesannete täitmise ja asutuse igapäevase ning strateegilise juhtimise eest.
Kandideerimise eelduseks on:
  • riiklikult tunnustatud kõrgharidus;
  • majandusalased teadmised ning organisatsiooni juhtimiskogemus;
  • hea suhtlemis- ja väljendusoskus;
  • tugev algatus- ja analüüsivõime;
  • riigikeele valdamine kõrgtasemel;
  • vähemalt kahe võõrkeele oskus (inglise ja vene keel).
Kasuks tuleb:
  • töökogemus riigiasutuses;
  • töökogemus Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondidega;
  • varasem kokkupuude lõimumis- ja/või migratsioonivaldkonnaga.


Asukoht: Tallinn
Tööle asumise aeg: aprill 2011
Ametikohale kandideerijal palume esitada järgmised dokumendid: avaldus, CV, kõrgharidust tõendava dokumendi koopia, kirjalik visioon-tegevuskava Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutuse Meie Inimesed arengust aastatel 2011-2015 (kuni 3 lk).
Avalduste laekumise tähtaeg on 17. märts 2011. Avaldused saata märgusõna all “MISA juhatuse konkurss” postiga aadressil Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutus Liimi 1, 10621 Tallinn või e-maili aadressil: maie.jyrgens (at)
Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutus Meie Inimesed otsib KOMMUNIKATSIOONIJUHTI
(tähtajaline leping lapsehoolduspuhkusel viibiva töötaja asendamiseks)
MISA tegeleb lõimumisalaste konkursside, hangete ja taotlusvoorude korraldamisega Eesti lõimumiskava rakendusplaani elluviimiseks. Samuti kuulub MISA kompetentsi rändealaste toetuste maksmine Eestisse naasjatele või koduriiki remigreerujatele.
MISA kommunikatsioonijuhi eesmärk on avalikkust neist tegevustest pidevalt informeerida ning asutuse sisekommunikatsiooni korraldada.
  • meediaplaanide koostamine ja rakendamine
  • sisekommunikatsiooni edendamine
  • pressiteadete ja uudiskirjade koostamine ning toimetamine
  • trükiste koostamine ja toimetamine
  • veebilehe administreerimine
  • ürituste korraldamine ja läbiviimine
  • juhtkonna ja kolleegide kommunikatsioonialane nõustamine
  • jne
Kandideerimise eelduseks on:
  • riiklikult tunnustatud kõrgharidus eelistatult ajakirjanduse või avalike suhete valdkonnas
  • vähemalt kaheaastane avalike suhete alane töökogemus
  • oskus nii iseseisvalt töötada kui meeskonnas kaasa lüüa
  • meediasuhtluse planeerimisoskus
  • hea sõnaseadmisoskus
  • tekstide koostamise ja toimetamise kogemus
  • kodulehekülje administreerimiskogemus
  • ladus eesti keele oskus
  • inglise ja vene keele oskus
Kasuks tuleb:
  • töökogemus riigiasutuses;
  • varasem kokkupuude lõimumis- ja/või migratsioonivaldkonnaga.
Asukoht: Tallinn
Tööle asumise aeg: juuni 2011
Ametikohale kandideerijal palume esitada avaldus, CV, kõrgharidust tõendava dokumendi koopia ning soovitaja kontaktandmed.
Avalduste laekumise tähtaeg on 21. märts 2011. Avaldused saata märgusõna all “Kommunikatsioonijuht” postiga Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutusele Meie Inimesed aadressil Liimi 1, 10621 Tallinn või e-maili aadressil: maie.jyrgens (at)